May 09 2010
May 2010
- Created development slides and presented this section to DAU on May 11
- Worked with team to refine presentation
April 2010
- Worked with team on usability test plan and document and conducted usability test at DAU
- Acted as QA on design document, pulling the document together, formatting, and doing final proofreading
- Worked with design document team (Dass & Debra) to complete final design document
- Worked with team to develop video on games creation, helping with narration and storyboards and editing and producing the final video
- Provided peer review on two research papers (Ryan and Salim)
March 2010
- Created prototype for decision aide
- Worked with team to create storyboards for games “how to implement” video
- Worked with Select team to create content for decision aide and factors grid
- Continued as scribe, documenting meeting minutes and creating status reports
February 2010
- Worked with team 2 on task analysis document
- Researched possible user requirements document templates and shared with team
- Became Scribe and will be documenting meeting minutes for the next five weeks
- Created user requirements document for team editing in Googledocs
- Created very basic prototype of factors matrix
- Created first iteration of LATIST wireframes
January 2010
- Took on role of Project Coordinator and Point of Contact for the first five weeks of the semester
- Contacted our DAU POC to work out our access issues with the ACQ201 courses
- Worked with our PM to flesh out a larger group project plan and with Team 2 to flesh out our individual project plan
- Helped my team on scenarios, use cases, and essential use cases
- Worked with team 2 on Web 2.0 Jeopardy game
- Developed entity relationships document and spec document for Select component
December 2009
- Worked with team on the recommendations part of NA presentation.
- Wrote the introduction, the social media introduction and social networks part of Needs Assessment report
- Some editing of Needs Assessment report
November 2009
- Finalized the Briefing Report and got that out the door for delivery
- Worked with the team on the briefing Powerpoint presentation
- Created the vision graphic and presented our vision at the briefing
- Participated in creating interview and survey questions
- Led two structured interviews at DAU
- Researched a group chat utility that we’ve been using off and on as a team, as well as GoogleGroups for threaded conversations
- Worked on roles synthesis for NA report
- Created document formatting template in Word and shared formatting skills with QA
October 2009
- Wrote part of the Front End Analysis, including creating a chart outlining DAU’s learning assets
- Created the document creation and editing process
- Wrote quite a bit of the Briefing Report introduction and tried to flesh out our Preliminary Findings section
- Acted as document editor and quality assurance on the briefing report, which included writing, rewriting, editing, proofreading, and layout
September 2009
- Researched CMSs for our external Immersion site
- Took the lead on the Immersion team WordPress site, establishing navigation and content areas and tweaking the design
- Worked with GMU’s Office of Student Media to transfer our site to the onMason server
- Held a brown-bag session to go over what I know about using WordPress
- Assisted individual team members with setting up personal WordPress sites
- Organized a visit from Aram Zucker-Scharff, the resident Web 2.0 guru over in GMU’s Office of Student Media
- Worked on learning assets section of our front-end analysis report and PowerPoint presentation
- Some editing and proofreading of FEA